Monday, 24 December 2012

Did I just invent a new - BS - term that just might have some meaning... tell me

In a response to a sales rep of a company whose sftware I just downloaded, I said this - "...
Thanks for you email. I need to, while doing my day job, find time to understand how to use Neo4J for things such as poly-variate types of nodes and edges. Please give me a few months while I try to manage to come on board. ..."
Poly-variate Types....? Please help me my geek friend who still have the patience to read my rants.

Governance in contemporary India

Wonderful ... the Esteemed His Honorable Home Minister is concerned about the image projected to the visiting Putin and globally by the protests. Somehow this falls into the same category of mind-set that I had questioned in a debate/discussion in which I represented my school in 9th Std (I think; somewhere in Kandivali, M'bay) where I asked whether (can't type this in Devnagari) ".... hazaro saalo ki parampara hain..." --- "Did one of the most populous regions of the world manage to have its populace stop thinking...?". I was immediately 'asked' by the judges to leave the podium and then escorted out of the venue :) I have since realized that the event was sponsored by groups who would be considered now to be affiaited with those in the parliamentary opposition.

Hence some of my earlier statements (on other media - need to figure out a good cheap way of integrating) about having a forum for rational discourse - non-partisanship is implied. I am still surprised with the aversion to even refer to charged topics in India ... with the reason being given "... please let us not discuss politics...", when the issue is with basic governance and trust of the populace.

It seems that all political parties have used that and the state of governance here has been no different from the days of the Raj - the machinery and hence its mindset remains the same.

Monday, 17 December 2012

On the Newtown, CT horror .. or why should our children fear.

At the risk of coming off in an unpleasant light, here are my two or five cents. I have not seen any discourse in public about what motivated such maniacs. The public discourse has rather veered towards, too immediately IMO, abstract public policy issues.

As had already been pointed out earlier in many public discussion threads, such incidents are rare. The fallout, though limited, is very profound in the lives of the individuals affected. It seems unlikely that gun control, or 'bullet control' as a recent article in The Atlantic proposes (have not bothered to read it, might just be satire) get to the root to even be practically effective.

I was part of school, which then was considered to among the best (around my class both academically and in sports) in a city of over 10 mil, which perhaps had the best educational infrastructure in India. When I was in 9th standard, it shocked the staff when the 'geeks' applauded one of the 'ruffians' who went into the staff room and held a knife to one of the teachers and asked him to lay off insulting us. While I do not have clarity on anger or frustration, or its causes, I do wonder what triggered the rage.

Should our schools be prisons or should we incur the impossible cost of trying explain to our children why we should not fear?

Thursday, 13 December 2012

On Simplicity

I adore simplicity in design, but am sceptical when the road to such simplicity is deigned to be simple as well.

This probably holds true in other facets of existence, living included.